City University of Hong Kong, Campus Plan Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
City University of Hong Kong prepared to convert three-year degree programs into four-year programs. Its leaders saw an opportunity to complete the transition from a well respected technical school into a world-class research center.
, Kowloon
P&T Architects and Engineers Ltd.
175 Acres

Steinberg Hart, in conjunction with a local partner, helped City University of Hong Kong re-invent the campus as a “University without barriers” that is centered around the values of sustainability and innovation, and encourages its students to become global citizens who make use of creativity and critical thinking in their everyday lives.

Key to the vision of the City University Master Plan is the new “Heart” introduced at the center of the campus. A new ceremonial commons will provide balance to the density of the buildings and create a visual link to the mountain, one of the University’s defining features. Six unique precincts will be created to break the current monotonous scale. These program-based districts are like miniature communities within the university whole. The Heart, Tat Chee Yuen, North Precinct, Megastructure, South Precinct, and Sustainable Village work together to harmonize, socialize, humanize and join-up the campus.

The master plan also seeks to deconstruct the factory-like buildings to provide human-scaled spaces that embrace natural light and landscapes. The current industrial spaces will be physically and visually opened up, creating visual variety and spatial harmony that will foster a higher level of collaboration and innovation.