LA Harbor College, Northeast Academic Hall and Student Services & Administration Building Los Angeles, California
The Northeast Academic Hall is a signature facility located at the prominent northeast corner of the Los Angeles Harbor College campus. The building includes a mixture of flexible and high-tech classrooms, such as labs, computer labs, and lecture halls for the Math, Communications, Social Science, and Behavioral Science departments.
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Community College District
68,000 SF

These classrooms support a broad range of teaching styles, from traditional white boards to the latest in digital media. The classroom furniture is set up to accommodate multiple configurations, depending on the size of the class and the preferred teaching method.

Computer labs are located adjacent to all the necessary mechanical spaces to support both local area and wireless networks.

The building design achieved a LEED Gold rating through the incorporation of sustainable practices and materials, orientation, and other features into the building’s overall design. The Steinberg Hart team worked with the District to prioritize sensitive sustainable design solutions, resulting in a building that performs 36% more efficiently than Title 24 requires.


Savings by Design: Energy Efficiency Integration Award, Award of Merit for Higher Education, 2010
Los Angeles Business Council Architectural Awards: Haworth/Unisource Solutions Community Impact Award, 2009
UC/CSU/CCC Sustainability Conference: New Community College Construction, Best Overall Sustainable Design, 2009
Design Green: Award of Merit, 2009