Steinberg Hart CEO David Hart joined Gary Dillabough, co-founder of downtown developer Urban Community and Bharat Lugani, general manager of the Hilton San Jose downtown, in a panel discussion at the Silicon Valley Capital Club on November 4. Moderated by Matthew Niksa of The Real Deal, these leaders in San Jose’s development architecture, and hospitality sectors agreed that change is needed to help San Jose’s city core recover after a trying couple of years for area businesses and hotel operators.
Northern California’s largest city by population is one of the least recognizable in the U.S. “[San Jose has] always had the Sobratos, the Swensons, Jim Fox, the DiNapoli family,” Hart said. “This has really been a place where a lot of people have been committed. What’s going to be the tipping point? That’s why we’re all here today — to try to figure out how to get this kindling to spark and go.”
Steinberg Hart has had an office in downtown San Jose for nearly 70 years, and the firm was involved in designing about a third of the buildings in its urban core.
Read the full article on The Real Deal.