

Enough is Enough

The past two weeks have been a tragic reminder that we cannot turn a blind eye to the racial inequity that continues to plague our country. The senseless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others, as well as the ongoing protests, have only placed a spotlight on the ways in which segments of our justice system have fallen short. We cannot stay silent against injustice. Steinberg Hart denounces all acts of racism and violence, and we stand in solidarity with those who are treated differently because of the color of their skin.  

We take pride in the diverse group of people with whom we work every day, but our job doesn’t end there. Our responsibility continues with our commitment to developing and maintaining genuine relationships within our communities, both professionally and personally, as well as to the success of each one of our employees. We are committed to continuing to develop an in-depth understanding of the communities of color where we live and work, and we are dedicated to exploring how we can make our engagement and discourse better. Above all, Steinberg Hart is committed to building environments that are equitable, and the notion that Black Lives Matter is evidence of a truly equitable construct.

Steinberg Hart is committed to being part of the solution, and we look forward to sharing our actions with you in the coming weeks as we work together to combat racism, racial inequity and violence.